
Wiki - Blog

    What is a Blog
    The word "blog" is a contraction of web-log that is a online diary. The blog allows you to easily create a website in which to publish stories, information and opinions by yourself. Each item is linked to a thread, in whiche readers can write their comments and leave messages to the author.
    The author writes in his blog his ideas and thoughts. He can publish news, information and any kind of stories, adding, if he desires, also links to sites of interest.

    Creating a Blog
    The service is accessible via the tool Create your blog that allows you to create a blog in a new domain.
    Through the Manage blog tool you can create a blog in an existing domain.
    In a single domain you can have multiple blogs (one for each section) by selecting the appropriate flags in Manage blog.


    To insert an article or a poll in your blog just the already defined buttons for the forum (new topic, new poll, etc...) while to leave a new comment you need to enter the page of the selected article and use the fast reply box or click the "Reply" button.

    To classify the various items you can add one or more labels while creating an article. To modify the labels just go on the form for change title.
    By clicking a particular label in the blog's home, you can see only the articles corresponding to that label.

    Editing HTML and inserting widget
    You can add HTML code and insert widget in your blog going into Manage HTML code and inserting HTML code in the box on the left or on the right of the homepage.
    There are also special tags that can be inserted:

    Simple tables
    [TABLE]Table title
    [ROW]<a href="">ForumFree</a>
    [ROW]<a href="">ForumCommunity</a>
    [ROW]<a href="">Help</a>
    [ROW]<a href="">Skin Lab</a>
    [ROWC]Centered content
    Use ROWC to get the content centered in the cell

    Calendar with table

    Calendar without table

    List of labels

    List of labels without the reorganization by the number of articles

    View the founder's profile
    Where xxx is the ID of the user of which to show the profile

    Lateral poll
    Where xxx is the ID of the poll to show


    Lateral TagBoard

    Latest comments

    Online users

    [TABLE]My photos
    Click here for the guide to the Gallery

    Friends list

    Latest topics in the forum
    [TABLE]Latest topics in the forum
    [ROW]<iframe src="/rss.php?a=XXX&type=html&color=000000&n=10&nodate=0" allowtransparency="true" style="width:100%;height:400px " scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    Instead of XXX enter the ID of your board.
    Click here to view more options to customize the code.

    RSS Reader
    [TABLE]Feed title
    [ROW]<iframe src="/rssreader.php?feed=FEED_URL&color=000000&n=10&charset=UTF-8" allowtransparency="true" style="width:100%;height:300px" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    Instead of FEED_URL enter the RSS feed's URL you want to view.
    Click here to view more options to customize the code.

    Other widgets that you can enter

    Here you will find many widgets provided by google:

    Among them, there is the Google Translator, which automatically translates your blog in different languages:
    <script src=""></script>

    BlogFree Feed
    Latest discussions or articles BlogFree network
    <iframe src="/rssreader.php?feed=;bg=E8E6DA&amp;color=777777&amp;n=10&amp;charset=UTF-8&amp;nodesc=1" style="width:100%;height:250px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><br>

    ForumCommunity Feed
    Latest discussions or articles ForumCommunity network
    <iframe src="/rssreader.php?feed=;bg=E8E6DA&amp;color=777777&amp;n=10&amp;charset=UTF-8&amp;nodesc=1" style="width:100%;height:250px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><br>

    Ultimate song listened
    Through the service is possible insert a widget that shows the music you hear on your PC with your favorite player (supports nearly all).To use this service enough to be recorded and download their software here:
    Later you can take the code to enter on the blog from this page:

    Clock in Flash
    Go here and take the second code that is provided (the one with the tag "embed"):

    JukeBox and other widgets in Flash
    Go here and take the code that is provided:

    Xbox360 Live Profile
    If you have a Xbox360 and you play online, you can insert on your blog a widget that show the last played games and your stats. The code is:
    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204"></iframe><br><br>
    Replace Username with your Xbox Live Gamertarg.

    Chat in real time
    Click here:
    After you've completed the procedure, copy the following code in "Manage HTML code":
    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe><br><br>
    Instead of blogfree enter the name you have chosen for the chat during its creation.
    The code's parametrs could be customized to change colors.

    • Is there a way you can switch from viewing blog to that which is set for the forums?
    • Yes, by adding ?b=1 at the end of the link of your blog

    • How can I insert HTML code on the left/right of my blog?
    • You must go to the Manage HTML code tool and insert the text "HTML code that will appear on the right/left column of the blog" in the box.
      In such page you can also hide the columns on the right/left of the blog

    • How can I put the link "Read more..." in order to make to read an article in its entirety?
    • To activate the link just click the button CUT when creating a topic

    • How can I hide one of the lateral columns?
    • In "Manage HTML code" there is a special flag

    • I added a bigger avatar to my account in the side column: could not it be resized?
    • Here is the code to put in the styles to resize avatars:
      .avatar [src] {max-width: 156px} .avatar {width: 160px; overflow: hidden}

    • Can the skins used in the forum also be used in the blog?
    • Sure, readjustments are not needed since the skin code perfectly suits also to the blog settings

    • How can I put some sections of the board in my blog's home?
    • In "Manage sections" you have to set the sections (only those that you want to display in home) as subsections of the section which was set as blog

  • Why with 15" screens you see the blog badly?
  • It depends on the width of the skin.
    To enlarge the skin, just go to "Edit colors and styles" and look for a code like this:
    /* FORUM SIZE */
    .header_width, .skin_tbl_width, .skin_tbl {width: 78%}
    .stats .border {width: 78%}
    Changing eg 78% with 95%, even with the screen resolution 1024x768 there will be not display issues.
    In some skin, there is also a container, then you must also enlarge it.
    Another thing to watch out for, is not insert too large images into HTML and posts.
    Finally, it can also help hide one of the columns of the blog, in "Manage HTML codes", and activating the appropriate flag. The codes of the hidden column can be added in the left column.