
Wiki - Cookie policy

    1. What are cookies

    A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device on the server of a website and that only that server will be able to retrieve or read the contents. It contains some anonymous information and allows the website to remember, for example, your preferences. As a result of changes to the Privacy arising from the Directive on Electronic Communications, the use of cookies to collect your information you are permitted only with the consent. This page illustrates the use of cookies within the sites, and

    2. What are they, how to control them, lock them and delete them

    Cookies are used to store some basic information and user do not have to enter each time, making use of the service more functional.
    The user has full control over cookies saved, you may decide to delete or not to save them from their browser. Cookies can be deleted individually or globally (all cookies stored on your browser).
    The user can also decide to not save cookies in the browser.
    You can refer to this page for a quick reference to the management of cookies, or to the guide that came with your browser, or to third-party websites such as Your Online Choices.
    In addition, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data offers a FAQ: Notice and consent to the use of cookies .
    You can also find guides provided by the major browser directly on their websites: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer. Other similar guides can be found easily on the web.

    3. Types of cookies used

    Below the cookies used by sites hosted on, and (from now "network").

    • Needed cookies
      These cookies are necessary for the use of internal sites to the three circuits mentioned above.
      Cookies of this type are used for the proper use of the service, and can not be read by any other external source circuits.
      They are therefore safe and necessary for the use of services based circuits.

      For this type of cookie is not required authorization from the user (the ones that the Guarantor for privacy called "technical cookies").

    • Functional cookies
      These cookies are used to store settings and user choice the visit to the site.
      They need to use the functionality of the circuit board or propose repeatedly the same choice and to remind some preferences.
      They are part of these cookie settings for the mobile version, the opening/closing of the box section, for scripts that are installed in each site.

    • Promotional or targeting cookies
      Advertising on this network is handled by third parties, who may use cookies to show interest services for the user or for websites viewed by the user.
      The cookies for targeted advertising managed by third parties collect information about the user's browsing on various websites and online services in order to display relevant ads on Web sites and on-line services and our third party. Ad networks can share this information with advertisers using their network. The information gathered using these cookies for targeted advertising run by third-parties do not personally identify the user.

    • Other cookie (analytics)
      Administrators of the individual sites of this network can insert script in their forum, including some scripts to control access statistics to the site.
      It is possible that some forums use services like Google Analytics.
      The data provided by Google Analytics does not allow in any way to identify the individual user interacting on the site pages, but contains aggregate information on what the dynamic navigation within the site, the number of unique users and page views.