
Wiki - Error messages

    You may receive an error message when you perform an invalid operation.
    The Forum will normally inform the type of error that occurred. Below you will find information about error messages with the most common form:
    "Message type"
    Description of message


    "You do not have permission to view this page"
    appears only to those who are banned by name or by IP. Contact the board administrator for explanations.

    "This site has been disabled"
    Message shown in the case visited the forum is without sections or have all invisible.

    "You do not have permission to view this thread - ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙΣ ΝΑ ΤΟ ΔΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΑΔΕΙΑ "
    The thread that you are trying to view is in a protected section.

    "You do not have the required permission to start a new topic in this forum - ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΑΝΑΛΟΓΗ ΑΔΕΙΑ ΝΑ ΞΕΚΙΝΗΣΗΣ ΝΕΟ ΘΕΜΑ"
    Appears when you try to open a new thread in a section where users, by choice of the administrator, can not do that.

    "This forum is "read only", it is not allowed to create new threads or reply to existing ones. ΜΟΝΟ ΜΠΟΡΕΙΣ ΝΑ ΤΟ ΔΙΑΦΑΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΧΙ ΝΑ ΞΕΚΙΝΗΣΗΣ ΝΕΟ ΘΕΜΑ Η ΝΑ ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗΣ ΣΕ ΑΥΤΟ "
    Error similar to the previous with the difference that only administrators and moderators of the section can reply to already existing topic.

    "It was a wrong use of one of the files of the forum"
    Appears when you type in a wrong way, in the address bar of your browser, the URL of a page of the circuit, for example putting a letter in the ID, which is only made of numbers.

    "The page you requested is not in our records, probably has been deleted"
    This error message appears when you are trying to get to an address of a topic, section and / or forum no longer accessible or removed.
    The message can easily be off if you enter an incorrect domain or trying to reach a topic deleted.


    "Permission denied - Η ΑΔΕΙΑ ΑΠΟΡΡΙΠΤΕΤΑΙ"
    There are some access restrictions and you don't have the permission to enter.
    The message also appears if you are involved in a ban by date.

    "You are not permitted to use this part of the forum"
    The section where you are trying to write is protected by restrictions.

    "It was a mistake. To try to send the message you can copy text from here:
    This message, followed by a textarea where is shown the text that you were sending, appears when the server is overloaded. Wait and try again later.

    "You shall not send messages at intervals of less than [#number] seconds"
    Only appears when you try to send two consecutive messages within a time period that is less time antiflood set in the forum. The minimum is 20 seconds, and to start a topic will take a long double.

    "You must enter a title for the thread - ΒΑΛΕ ΤΙΤΛΟ ΣΩΣΤΑ Η ΓΡΑΨΤΟ ΣΤΑ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ"
    Only appears when you insert a title less than two characters. Specifically, the page is not like the messages above, but a warning appears at the top of the post.

    "You must enter a message in order to send it"
    Only appears when you try to send a message of less than two characters. Specifically, the page is not like the messages above, but a Popup appears.

    "You have entered an invalid URL"
    The error appears when a website is recognized as a spam in your message or in your profile. The list may change according to reports of abuse made by users.
    The error was also found by users who have written less than 5 messages entering addresses outside the circuit ForumFree, ForumCommunity and BlogFree, to prevent spam.

    "The flash movie that you sent is larger than the maximum value"
    The error may appear when the BBCode [FLASH] specifying larger to 600px, both width and height.

    "The password is too simple and can easily be discovered.
    Go back and enter a password more complex. Use letters and numbers. "
    The error indicates that the password chosen at registration is relatively simple and easy to understand so you should choose a password more complex, maybe alphanumeric.

    "Your message contains multiple images of what is allowed, 100"
    It indicates that in the post we try to save we have included more than 100 images, exceeding the limit.
    If the post contains a video the limit drops to 50.

    Signatures and custom titles

    "You can insert only one multimedia file."
    The <embed> tag or the BBCODE [FLASH] can be written only once.

    "Your message contains multiple images of what is allowed"
    In Signature is allowed up to 20 images. 5 where there is already a tag <embed> or BBCode [FLASH]

    "Your title is too large, use images smaller: 250 width x 100 height"
    Overall, the figures included in the title should not exceed the shown area, 250x100.


    "The mailbox of the Messenger for this user is full and he can not receive more messages."
    Appears when the user to whom you try to send a private message, do not have space to receive the private message that you want to send. Please note that the limit on the number of private messages you can store in your PO box is set to 50.

    "This user has chosen not to be contacted by the messenger of the forum"
    Appears when you try to send a private message to an account whose owner has decided not to allow the reception of messages from all or some accounts, among which is that the user who is trying to send the message.

    "The message can not be sent, the recipient does not have the permission required to use the messenger."
    Appears when the user to whom you try to send a private message, does not have permission to use the messenger of his own account, because he received a ban from the circuit.

    "This user is already in your address book."
    Appears when you try to add a user to your Personal Address Book, where the user has already entered.

    Creating a forum

    "You must enter a domain longer than 3 characters."
    It appears when you try to create a forum with a shorter domain of 3 characters.

    "You must enter the domain of the forum."
    It appears when you try to create a forum without having written his domain

    "You must enter the name of the forum."
    It appears when you try to create a forum without having written his name

    "This domain has already been chosen by another forum, so it can not be used."
    This message appears when you try to create a forum with a domain already exist. In this case you have to change the domain or wait for the auto-delete.