
Wiki - Image Hosting

    What it is
    It is the hosting service of the network to host image files, (jpg, gif, png) no greater than 0.5 MB, that is accesible by Image Hosting tool.
    It is recommended not to use this service for the image of the skin or of the forum, in that case would be more appropriate to use external services.

    To host a file
    Just click the button "Browse..." and select the file, then "Host it!" and possibly associate it a description.
    After loading the file, you can pick the generated code, with its URL. A thumbnail will be provided if the image is very large.

    To avoid the server overburdening, it was decided to insert a limitation of 5KB in case you want to use the images of ForumFree hosting as labels. If you want more, you should use a hosting service alternative.

    Personal album
    The hosted images will be later available in a personal album from which you can save or delete them:
    ForumFree personal album
    ForumCommunity personal album
    BlogFree personal album

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