
Wiki - Links exchange

  • This page is only a draft
Links exchange
Operation: Normally, the registration to a links exchange service require, among all, a short description and some keywords releted to your own forum, in order to invite users to visit it. Is then generated a code, which, inserted in your own forum, shows randomly links from other sites subscribers to exchange links. This process serves mainly two purposes:
  • To show your link on other sites, getting good promotion
  • To increase the number of links that lead to your forum in order to increase your Google Pagerank
You can use this service on ForumFree/ForumCommunity/BlogFree, because it helps you to advertise your forum loyally.

Banners exchange
Operation: The banners exchange operates as the links exchange, with the difference that instead of text links of your forum, your banner is shown, that you can choose during registration. The most common size in banners exchange services are: 88x31, 120x60 and 468x60.
This, too, as the links exchange, is a service that you can use.

Visits exchange (forbidden)
Operation: The visits exchange consists of getting by mass visitors coming from the site of the visits exchange, which are to be on your forum just because they entered the service. This means that they do not know that they are on your Forum, which is why this type of service on ForumFree/ForumCommunity/BlogFree is forbidden: because the visits are "false". Moreover, visiting the sites included in the service, in your account are accumulated credits, which are used to receive visits in your own forums.
The visits exchange services are forbidden on ForumFree/ForumCommunity/BlogFree, and the Staff punishes the Forums who use it.

  • I would like to subscribe to a links or banners exchange service, as I do?
    Make Google search, looking for keywords like "links exchange" "banners exchange", etc... In this way, the initial results are certainly of the most populated and safe sites.

  • How can I see if visitors come to a forum from a visits exchange site?
    If there are many visitors all come from the same site (eg means that the Forum has written to visits exchange service.

  • I found a forum that uses a service of visits exchange, what do I do?
    Report to the Forum Staff via the button image.

  • For more information about increasing Google Pagerank?
    Read the wiki on search engines.